What defines me? For starters, I can tell you what DOESN'T! It sure as hell isn't my previous jobs or my high school GPA. And I most certainly know it isn't my past associates or relationships. What I do know is goat cheese can tell you more about me than any person can. There have been many tears shed over this cheese, our cheese, in the last five years. And I'll be honest with you, not all good tears. Something came over me last night while cutting curd and there were a lot of good tears. It has taken 98 batches to discover not only the perfect curd but something about myself that is all mine - no one else's. Purpose.
Out of 98 batches, 5 have failed and the remainder has been magnificent! So what defines me? Long story short, perfect goat cheese. I believe if you care about something long and hard enough - you'll find your answer. Whether it be work, play, or family - what you put in is what you'll get out! Although I am trying my hardest to focus on my family over anything else, the farm will always be second priority (maybe that's why I can't deal with a 9-5). If you haven't experienced it yourself, that feeling of accomplishment and amplified self worth - it is priceless.

Curd worth crying over. Usually, we would yield 2 lbs per gallon - this batch we got 2.5 lbs per gallon!