November 01, 2019
Virginia Living Made in Virginia Award 2019
"Made in Virginia is our annual celebration of the Commonwealth’s skilled, enthusiastic, creative people making delicious food, thoughtful gifts, nourishing beauty items, and gorgeous décor. To choose this year’s assortment of items to share with you, the entire staff sniffed and rubbed, admired and sipped and nibbled. And argued. We had a points system, but people are surprisingly passionate about handmade soap. And jewelry. To say nothing of food. In the end, we chose 24 items that represent the depth of talent and breadth of creativity in Virginia. They are bold, unusual, outstanding—as are their makers." -Virginia Living Magazine
March 15, 2016
Razzbourne Farms - Growing Better with Age
Our 2016 campaign was meant to raise $5,000 for the creamery to produce aged goat cheese. Little did we know, Triscuit and Indiegogo flash funded 55 campaigns (including ours) just a few days after our original campaign end date. They thankfully extended our campaign in order for us to be funded - how rad!