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LaMancha Does

Welshans-Acres E Sleepie
L1750086 (photo by Doggie Days)
DOB: 3/17/15
04-05 84 AV+E
Sire: SG Lucky*Star's LX Equity
Dam: Welshans-Acres MC Cocco
SS- SGCH Lucky*Star's AV Xavier
SD- SGCH Lucky*Star's RY Accolade
DS: Lucky*Star's RA MAD CAP
DD: RDR All Tootsie

Razzbourne Farms EL Princess
Registration Pending
DOB: 2/17/18
Sire: Kopy Kat Mountain Mans Legacy
Dam: Razzbourne Farms Eloise
SS- Candlelight QL Tropical Storm
SD- Millers Thistledown Fiona
DS: Razzbourne Farms Gator
DD: Razzbourne Farms Ella

Musser Farms E Shamrock
DOB: 3/11/2019
Sire: SGCH Lucky"Star's LX Equity
Dam: Cherry Glen Jerico Tottie
SS- SGCH Lucky*Start's AV Xavier
SD- SGCH Lucky*Start's RY Accolade
DS: Autumn-Acres Medaillon Jerico
DD: GCH Autumn-Acres Tara's Touch

Doggie Days AJ Apple Jack
DOB: 3/3/2019
Sire: CH Dalton's Way WZ Jackson
Dam: GCH Welshcans-Acres BS Annabell
SS- Welshans-Acres E Wizard
SD- Dalton's Way MC Jericha
DS: Kastdemur's Tach Spuralach
DD: Forrest-Pride Freedom Bella

Welshans-Acres PS Dreamer
DOB: 2/21/2018
Sire: Little Orchard SM Powerball
Dam: Welshans-Acres E Sleepie
SS- Heart MT Solomon
SD- SGCH Little Orchard C Piper
DS: SGCH Lucky*Star's LX Equity
DD: Welshans-Acres MC Cocco

Doggie Days JMT Buzza
DOB: 2/21/2020
Sire: Joyful-Morn STMS Tuxedo
Dam: Doggie Days SJ Zappa
SS- Spitfire Taylor Made Suit
SD- CH Joyful-Morn TCCC Heps Hadassah
DS: CH Dalton's Way WZ Jackson
DD: Doggie Days Vibutter Sapphire

Shoefly AE Temptation
DOB: 3/24/2019 - Photo Courtesy of E.B. Farms
Sire: Autumn-Acres Uno Mas Enzo
Dam: Autumn-Acres Tacori's Topanga
SS- Katdemur's Raising The Bar
SD- CH Autumn-Acres Excel's Escapade
DS: Pine-Springs Jack Of Trades
DD: Autumn-Acres Tandra's Tacori

Shoefly AE Sugar
DOB: 3/15/2019
Sire: Autumn-Acres Uno Mas Enzo
Dam: Rustic Wood's DWJ Demi
SS- Kastdemur's Raising The Bar
SD- CH Autumn-Acres Excel's Escapade
DS: CH Dalton's Way W Jagermeister
DD: SGCH Longvu DM Dell Phinium

Doggie Days JD Ganache
DOB: 2/18/2020
Sire: Musser Farms E Dionysus
Dam: Welshans-Acres FA Jessebelle
SS- SGCH Lucky*Star's LX Equity
SD- SGCH Welshans-Acres Bella's Sara
DS: SG Lucky*Star's RD Fellini
DD: GCH Welshans-Acres BS Annabell

Doggie Days Viperpuddin Jetters
DOB: 4/12/2016
Sire: Frost Autumn Viper
Dam: Doggie Days Geoberry Puddin
SS- King-Farm Hustle N Charge
SD- Frosty Autumn Ninja
DS: Gimlet Acre Farm Jungle George
DD: Rockspring Dcom Ddrop Dewberry

Doggie Days JT Penelope
DOB: 2/18/2020
Sire: Joyful-Morn STMS Tuxedo
Dam: Doggie Days Vipepuddin Jetters
SS- Spitfire Taylor Made Suit
SD- CH Joyful-Morn TCCC HEPS Hadassah
DS: Frosty Augtumn Viper
DD: Doggie Days Geoberry Puddin

Welshans-Acres FA Jessebell
DOB: 2/14/2018
Sire: SG Lucky*Star's RD Fellini
Dam: GCH Welshans-Acres BS Annabell
SS- SG Rockin-CB RCC Draco
SD- SG Lucky*Star's LB Courtney
DS: Katdemur's TACH Spuralach
DD: Forrest-Pride Freedom Bella

Doggie Days WP Liberty
DOB: 3/3/2019
Sire: Katdemur's Pegasus
Dam: Doggie Days Geobutters Weezie
SS- Jen-Mae_Ka Kids Kryptonite
SD- GCH Kastemur's Versailles
DS: Gimlet Acre Farm Jungle George
DD: Rockspring DCOM Taco Butters

Doggie Days BP Pale Rider
DOB: 2/27/2019
Sire: Kastdemur's Pegasu
Dam: Rockspring DCOM Taco Butters
SS- Jen-Mae-Ka Kids Kryptonite
SD- GCH Kastedemur's Versailles
DS: Rockspring Valnt Doroth Dotcom
DD: Rockspring Drise Tamale Taco

Doggie Days JC Vegas
DOB: 1/27/2021
Sire: Manzinita Farm Admire Clooney
Dam: Doggie Days AJ Jack Pot
SS- J-Haven's Livin' W/Admirations
SD-SGCH Lucky*Star's RA Elizabeth
DS: CH Dalton's Way WZ Jackson
DD: GCH Welshans-Acres BS Annabell

Doggie Days BT Butterfly
DOB: 5/4/2021
Sire: Joyful-Morn STMS Tuxedo
Dam: SG Rockspring DCOM Taco Butters
SS- Spitfire Taylor Made Suit
SD-CH Joyful-Morn TCCC Heps Hadassah
DS: Rockspring Valnt Doroth Dotcom
DD: Rockspring Drise Tamale Taco

Doggie Days BC Butternut
DOB: 2/21/2020
Sire: Manzinita Farm Admire Clooney
Dam: SG Rockspring DCOM Taco Butters
SS- J-Haven's Livin' W/Admiration
SD- SGCH Lucky*Star's RA Elizabeth
DS: Rockspring Valnt Doroth Dotcom
DD: Rockspring Drise Tamale Taco

Doggie Days GS Amoretta
DOB: 1/27/2022
Sire: Doggie Days DC Sand Man
Dam: Doggie Days JD Ganache
SS- Manzinita Farm Admire Clooney
SD- Welshans-Acres PS Dreamer
DS: Musser Farms E Dionysus
DD: Welshans-Acres FA Jessebelle

Doggie Days RS Kahlua
DOB: 1/25/2022
Sire: Doggie Days DC Sand Man
Dam: Doggie Days AP Razzle Dazzle
SS- Manzinita Farm Admire Clooney
SD- Welshans-Acres PS Dreamer
DS: Kastdemur's Pegasus
DD: GCH Welshans-Acres BS Annabell