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Success: The Year of the Goat

The Milkmaid

Our Year of the Goat ended warmly with a 70 degree Christmas Day and plenty of green grass for the now pregnant does to graze on. Of course they would prefer browse and we are looking for that specifically in land we hope to buy soon. It's funny how land in Rockbridge County is so sought after but rarely taken care of. With a little bit of land management, many things can be achieved on a small parcel of land. Our obstacle however is finding that little bit of land. It will be out of this world once we get started. A patio for morning coffee outside a breezy kitchen, with gardens and nurseries full of life (not to mention the goat nursery) we will finally be 'home'. Home is a word we have lost in the past three years. We have yet to find it or experience it as a family or entrepreneurs. A little bit of hope, a lot of hard work, some good cheese and beautiful trees - we will get there! Next year will be just as exciting - some news will be shared as soon as we get our heads around it.

The count down to Kidding Season 2016 has begun: 40 days and counting!

The count down to Cheese Season 2016: 55 days!

The Christmas Moon

Citrus Clove Goat Milk Soap (perfected I might say!)

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