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Are You Kidding Me!?

A quick recap on our human baby: the danger number went down to an average number and we're back on a two week schedule to UVA for Doppler ultrasounds to monitor anemia. The gender will be a secret but we've had such an uproar about it maybe we'll auction off the envelope for diaper money! Meanwhile, we are mere days, hours even, from Kidding Season 2016! Check out our Kidding Season from last year! This will be our third official kidding season as a farm and goat owners - so much anticipation! It doesn't help that the girls look ready to pop but will take their sweet time. I wish I had caught the kicking movements on bellies from last night's checkup in the barn.

First up are Cocoa, Ruby and Bobbi. Then 9 more to go the following week. Can you say: EEEEEKKK! I'm so ready for sweet baby cries and flowing milk for cheese. Pretty sure our retailers and customers are too. All the sweet emails and messages explaining demand for our product is encouraging and magnificent. I'm hopeful for a productive year. Maybe it will get us over the hump and on our way to becoming landowners.

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