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Cheese & Crackers

The Cheese Maker

Do you ever wonder where dreams come from? I'm not sure either but I think we're about to see first hand how hope and hard work helps! Our trip to UVA this week left us with still average numbers on the human baby and I even made a trip into Target for a body pillow - just for me. Of course I ended up buying pillow cases for said body pillow and a new wallet and glow sticks and well, it's Target. A quick walk through the baby section and I started thinking breast pump and heated diaper wipes - APRIL FOOLS! Most likely we'll be using hand me down everything for the new babe. Which is totally fine with me. I'm looking forward to an even less materialistic upbringing with this child than with Angus. I don't think we bought a single onsie for him because of the outpouring of gifts and used clothes. Friends and family rock! We've acquired three bouncy seats but I'm thinking one at maw maws, one in the parlor and one in the house. I'll be wearing baby during chores and when out delivering cheese so I'm not even thinking stroller or huge, unreasonable things we don't need.

Back to dreaming - the farming type of dreaming. Young people around the world wanting to farm are being faced with big issues. Farmers in general, actually, are being pressed to deliver with practically no support. With that being said we were pretty proud of our $108 raised via the Indiegogo campaign and by some crazy chance it attracted the right people and we'll have a second conference call with Triscuit next week. We'll see what happens there. Rockbridge Vineyard and Donald's continue to sell out weekly of our fresh Chevre and we have baby Kick Ash Goat Cheese in the cheese cave which will go off for sampling maybe even Monday. Packaging and labeling the new product is what I'm looking forward to! Things are looking up, BlogTribe, and with your help and support we'll be on our way to becoming land owners ourselves with MANY MANY more products and other enterprise adventures. I am confident we will see 'home' in the near future.

Have a great weekend and happy cheese eating!

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