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The Mother

You may have seen that we had our sweet baby girl last Friday after a natural induction, no medication and a very quick (faster than a goat) delivery! Honestly, the goats were left in the dust and we haven't milked for almost a week but we are fortunate to have big kids on them to keep them freshened. I will be hand milking this morning to see what we have and check everyone over before returning to UVA to our sweet girl. We're hoping she'll be home by the weekend and then its on like donkey kong! We have boys to separate and take to market, milk production to work on, packaging and labeling of AGED CHEESE (thanks Triscuit) and many other fun activities on the farm. But besides all that we will be bonding with our new child, taking her and her siblings to the river for some peace and quiet and trying to figure out where to go from here.

We constantly day dream of a small manicured yard to our liking and a nursery filled with trees where our children can wander without worry and so can we. We wont need television for a quick fix or tractor videos on YouTube. We wont need to constantly worry or have anxiety over traffic and loud noises interrupting nap time. We constantly day dream. Planning has been put on the back burner for some time but we feel that now is the time to make it top priority. We need our home place, a place we can all grow and thrive on. Many of you may not live near your family. Heck, some of you may only see them just a handful of times out of the year - if that. We are so fortunate to be surrounded by our families and swim in good notion and tender care. Cousins growing up together is priceless in my book. Now that I am a mother I can see that now. My childhood was vastly different than many others'. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth thinking about losing touch with some family members but I know it will be temporary and has been immature on my part.

Parenting has so many ins and outs that no two people can be compared. And although we may feel like we're failing at times we're mostly learning and growing with our children and that's how it should be. Please be patient while we enjoy our family and put cheese on a minor hold next week. The transition from one small child to two during chores will sure be the experience. And I'm looking forward to it!

I managed to get a second drying shelf unit up in the cheese room. More room for molds and dishes!

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