Have you ever held $100,000 in your hand? How about $1,000 in hard earned cash? I highly doubt it unless you are a drug dealer or paper dollar collector. When I traded the pick up for the highlander the funds were in my account and out in the same day. I never really 'felt' that money. It's really been bothering me lately. On top of that, Farm Service has pre approved us for a land ownership loan yet we can't find land suitable OR affordable for what we want to do. What do we want to do exactly? I guess its something so crazy and intertwined that we as young people aren't supposed do it in this economy. We will die trying, I'm sure.
Picture wildflower meadows with plump goats a grazing with some chickens close behind. A few hairy cows and their teddy bear calves. Rows of trees in a nursery and towers of vines growing on twine. Edible flower gardens. Vegetable gardens and Herb gardens. A small home with an attached work shop and kids playing WITHOUT fences of boundaries. A gentle stream with twigs thrown in for a race. And pigs chowing down on whey and scraps. Mini round bales of hay and small but practical equipment prepping fields for rotational grazing and the next season's kid crop. That's it, that's all we want to do.
Why is is so hard for us to find affordable, decent land!? Our county is freckled with second homes and 20 acre yards mowed to perfection each week. Why in the world are we wasting such resources? We can hardly get on the interstate without gawking at the unused land in between North and South bound. We crave land improvement and we crave to build something and watch it grow. But, there's always a but. But we are just treading on water. Fortunate enough to get started on family farm land yet unfortunate enough to be in a position where its all or nothing. Rant over, I know we'll be just fine. I try not to wish for the future so much because I miss out on the present meanwhile. But seriously, I'm DREADING the Winter, BlogTribe. I'm actually dreading kidding season because we will simply run out of room where we are and it's unfortunate.
It's unfortunate because we've had yet another sell out season so far and have some new retailers up North. Everyone is so excited for our aged cheeses and so are we. If we could just be in a place we could expand - we would. I'm praying that something works out like my car did. Perfect timing at a perfect price.
Happy cheese hunting!

We're making and selling close to double of our 2015 season - and that's just milking once a day! Imagine what we could do at full time milking with our full time retailers!