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  • Writer's pictureEmily

Diamonds in the Rough

Some days I want to make that post: Successful Goat Dairy FOR SALE. I want to convert a school bus into a tiny home and see all the things. I simply want to wear my engagement ring without constant brutality from cleaning agents and farm life. A lot like having children, starting a business ties you down. "Why would anyone start a dairy farm? You can never get away and always have something to do," stated my husband. "I mean, I know you're nuts but anyone wanting to is just crazy!' It was the best compliment but also made me feel for him.

My family didn't choose this lifestyle - although we love the sporadic craziness, it does put a damper on things (not to mention during a plandemic and the world ending as we know it). Simple things like birthday parties and vacations are hard to manage during the on season. And the off season consists of preparing for Winter and the following on season. Getting to the point, there is no dilly dallying around. There is no time for inconsiderate relationships and empty conversations. Every second counts and matters. Every second IS priceless and valuable to us.

The goats don't fill out invoices, make phone calls, or deal with the public. For 30 minutes a day they shove face and get milked. Their water is changed at least twice a day with the perfect mixture of goat koolaid and their silage and hay is inspected for any slight chance of mold. Throw in spreadsheets, VDACS regulations, and taxes and you have a full fledged anxiety attack right there! It amazes me how disconnected we have become from food sources. The state of the world has shown us how fragile our system is. With the summer heat, we have stopped shipping cheese but hope to start back up end of August. Thank you all for being patient and supporting us during this time.

We've come together with neighbors and built a local farmers' market: Kerrs Creek Community Market. There are products out during the week for self serve as well as a Saturday market 9am - noon. Please check it out if you have the time. As each vendor and farm continues to grow, so will the market. Your voting dollars could not matter more than during 'these times'. And if perhaps that dollar disappears into thin air I will always be open to bartering and trades. We can either come together and flourish or continue to be separated.

The Cheese Cave Campaign - yes we raised some money, no we did not raise enough. Funds have been put into savings for when the time is right. It has taken WAY longer than expected to get those perks out but I'm doing the best I can with what I have. If you have questions or concerns please do not hesitate to email me at No one could have expected what we'd be faced with today but we can morph and transform our plan for the future!

For now, happy cheese hunting and I hope to talk to you face to face at market!


Kick Ash buttons on their way to market this Saturday.

It was only 100 degrees in the make room before the window unit went in.

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